Nor1036 NorVirtual, complimentary Norsonic software with purchase of a Sound Level Meter or Analyzer
Nor1036 NorVirtual
- NorVirtual type Nor1036 is a simple PC viewer of the screen from the various Norsonic instruments.
- Whatever view the instrument screen displays (graphs, tables, menus, etc), the same view is visible on the PC screen.
- Press a key on the instrument keyboard that change the instrument view – and the PC screen change simultaneously.
- Use the PC cursor to click on any instrument key shown on the PC screen – and the instrument will operate as if it was the instrument key that was pressed directly.
- NorVirtual communicates with the instrument on the RS-232 or USB interfaces.
- The NorVirtual software is distributed free of charge together with any Norsonic instrument type Nor131, Nor132, Nor118 and Nor140.
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