NorTap requirements according to ISO 3822
Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations
– Class 1 instrument with 1 channel (optional 2 channels)
– 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave filters
– SPL, LEQ function
– Fast, Slow Time Constant
Optional for automatic valves:
L/t multi-spectrum measurement with a high profile
resolution (today: 10 ms) with the possibility to mark and
extract specific maxima spectra
Measurement control:
– INS left and/or right, optional control INS
– Measurements under different operating conditions for one AUT (appliance under test)
(3 and 5 bar, cold/warm/mix, loudest/full open position, etc)
– Calculation of the appliance sound pressure level Lap
– Repeating the measurements 3 times (3 AUT)
– Corrections (room, microphone, etc)
– Background noise correction
– Manual input of water pressure and water flow
– DC Inputs 0 – 5 V (or 0 – 10 V) like Nor840 in order to measure water pressure, water flow
(and temperature)
– Calibration (linearize) of DC input for water pressure/flow
– Monitor the correct value of water pressure
– Appliance sound pressure level Lap of all the operating conditions tested for each of the three
samples of the appliance under test.
– Average or Max rating according to the 3 dB rule
– Standard reporting data (date, institute, etc)
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