NorTap ISO3822

NorTap ISO3822

NorTap requirements according to ISO 3822
Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations



NorTap requirements according to ISO 3822
Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations

– Class 1 instrument with 1 channel (optional 2 channels)
– 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave filters
– SPL, LEQ function
– Fast, Slow Time Constant

Optional for automatic valves:
L/t multi-spectrum measurement with a high profile
resolution (today: 10 ms) with the possibility to mark and
extract specific maxima spectra

Measurement control:
– INS left and/or right, optional control INS
– Measurements under different operating conditions for one AUT (appliance under test)
(3 and 5 bar, cold/warm/mix, loudest/full open position, etc)
– Calculation of the appliance sound pressure level L
– Repeating the measurements 3 times (3 AUT)
– Corrections (room, microphone, etc)
– Background noise correction
– Manual input of water pressure and water flow

– DC Inputs 0 – 5 V (or 0 – 10 V) like Nor840 in order to measure water pressure, water flow
(and temperature)
– Calibration (linearize) of DC input for water pressure/flow
– Monitor the correct value of water pressure

– Appliance sound pressure level Lap of all the operating conditions tested for each of the three
samples of the appliance under test.
– Average or Max rating according to the 3 dB rule
– Standard reporting data (date, institute, etc)


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