Release of NorReview version 6.2.78

NorReview version 6.2.78 is now released!

  • Included calculation of networks when doing percentile “spectrum” calculations.
  • Improvements in “Spectrum” and statistical calculation result views. Calculation source, interval and effective duration are indicated above the graph.
  • Increased max number of functions possible to view in an L(t) graph to 55.
  • Support for Nor133/136 files.

Time-limited free-to-use NorReview License.

In this difficult Covid-19 situation many of us have been asked to work from home as social distancing is the only way to limit the spreading of the virus.

Norsonic want to make your new work situation a bit easier by offering all our customers a time-limited free-to-use NorReview license. This is a “soft key” that allows you to use the software without the need of the NorReview USB-key, that most probably is left back in your office.

If NorReview is not already installed on your PC you can download the latest installation from